TLOP Interviews Donna-Maria

Ok I write lol.. Here is ancintervoew about my books

T.L.O.P International


No-one has the right to tell you what to write or try and shame you because of what you like writing.”Donna-Maria Mear

What is your name, where are you from and what are your hobbies?

My real name is Donna but I write under the pen name Alexia Lockhart. I live in the UK. My hobbies are riding my motorbike, water sports, watching racing specifically F1 and motor GP, I am a huge fan of Olivers Mount racing which features in my books. I’m an adrenaline junkie so if it is high, fast, scary or involves water I’m in! I love nature and love to sit somewhere peaceful usually by the sea or in the countryside and watch the birds and write.

How did growing up as a writer looked like for you?

Growing up writing was an escape. I would write my thoughts and…

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